Sports sections to which it is worth giving children as early as possible - The Coventry Observer

Sports sections to which it is worth giving children as early as possible

Coventry Editorial 2nd Oct, 2023   0

From early childhood, a child’s character and aspiration are formed, so it is important to start developing him physically as early as possible, provided, of course, that the child likes it – violence and the realization of one’s own ambitions through another person is a bad way and everything should be within the framework of dialogue and aspiration.

There is a very thin line between the child’s motivation and his frank unwillingness and dislike for the chosen direction – these are the moments that need to be tracked and stopped if you meet an ardent protest.


American or European football is one of the best sports for the development of the body, spirit and intellectual abilities.

It is only at first glance that football players thrash the ball with their heads and feet indiscriminately, in fact, these are complex tactics and acting out that you need to know and implement, and heading is more like a desire to succeed at any cost and score a goal.

The main advantages of football:

  • Teamwork
  • Body development
  • Development of character
  • Leadership skills
  • Potential career with good income


From the first minutes on the football field, the players are brought up full-fledged team performers who work and play together.

Teams have an individuality that distinguishes individual players, but even that is realized through the actions of the entire team.

The team does everything together, eats, sleeps, trains, wins, loses.

Such qualities associated with communities and the ability to work and adapt in a team will greatly help the child to take place in adulthood and feel personal confidence in many areas.

Team play means creating a good atmosphere inside and outside the training ground, many players have been friends for many years and continue to communicate outside of the clubs. They go to the cinema together, communicate, play games.

It is possible that your child will also fall in love with online football and will play it with friends, and for comfort, you can help him and buy some fc 24 coins so that he can assemble a good game team already at the start and surprise his friends.

Body development

Physical form should be dealt with as early as possible, so that by the age of 16 you can reach an excellent physical condition and the prospects of getting into serious teams and national teams.

It’s not a secret to anyone that football players are primarily athletes, as running and the main muscles of the body are pumped.

A good football player must run fast, have endurance and strengthen his muscles, this reduces the likelihood of injury and adds stability when colliding with opponents, which will be many during matches and simple training.

In addition to warming up and playing with the ball, football players spend a lot of time on the simulators in order to achieve progress in muscle growth and strengthen their bodies qualitatively, getting rid of cramps and constantly improving their maximum capabilities.

Development of character

Any sport is about educating character and the will to win, because without these qualities, victory is often impossible.

In fundamental confrontations, it is not the one who is better prepared that wins, although this plays an important role, but the one who is really ready and wants to win.

A good coach will awaken and develop these qualities in order to educate winners and a playing team that can not only play mediocrely in championships and amateur leagues, but win and progress so that in the future they have a chance to move to the big leagues and connect their lives with sports.

Leadership skills

Football, like any other sport, is about leadership and the ability to lead.

Many people are born leaders, due to life circumstances, events, upbringing and their activity, they lose or do not develop this quality.

In which team there is more than one leader, there are simply authorities and positions held that border on respect.

So the team is led by a coach who appoints a captain who manages the team inside the match, but the defenders have their own leader, the midfielders have their own and someone always leads and prompts the forwards.

This is a single multi-stage mechanism, and if your character has the makings of leadership, then sport will perfectly reveal these characteristics in stressful and mental situations when the game really needs leaders.

If you are just a good performer, but have your own opinion, harmoniously interact with the team and the captain and perform your role with high quality, then this is also excellent and there is nothing wrong with that.

Potential career with good income

Every player who is well-trained, plays many hours and plays regularly in the local leagues has a good chance of moving up and potentially reaching major league and major championships.

Many titled players and world stars are ordinary guys who grew up and trained in prep schools until they made it to their first team and started the overall progression of wins and losses that led them to the result they are on now.

American football

American sports have the same principles and criteria as traditional European sports, but are considered more spectacular and dangerous to health.

Despite this, this sport is not only popular in the United States, but is also gradually gaining development in Europe, as can be seen from the number of teams created in different regions.

Good and confident defenders are valued no less than active and arrogant attackers, so if you play American football, you will quickly reach the peak of your form and receive proper training from the coach and education of the best qualities, if, of course, you can mentally withstand the physical and moral stress.


Depending on the characteristics of your region and the popularity of schools and, of course, your child’s interest in the active sport of skating, then you can choose hockey to test your pen and understand whether your children like this sport.

Hockey is the same brutal sport as American football, active and requiring good coordination and stress resistance.

Of course, the hockey section will be able to bring up good qualities and give physical development to your child, but he must like this particular sport.

Hockey is about tough collisions, subtle and beautiful one-on-one with the goalkeeper bypassing the gate, practically legalized collisions with minimal fines and just constant adrenaline and new friends.


If the choice falls on swimming, then you will provide your child with good health and breath for many years, unless of course he chooses this sport, and does not prefer martial arts, or dancing.

Martial arts

A good fight is a great opportunity to teach a child to fight to the last, strengthen his self-confidence and his strength, and give him the means to protect himself and be confident in this for many years to come.

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