How social media led the way in breaking news of Queen's passing and the tributes which followed - The Coventry Observer

How social media led the way in breaking news of Queen's passing and the tributes which followed

Coventry Editorial 18th Sep, 2022   0

WHEN Her Majesty the Queen came to the throne in 1952 the internet we know today was still nearly four decades away from becoming a reality writes Rob George

It would take more than half a century before Facebook and then Twitter would arrive yet social media has carried some of the most poignant tributes to the late Queen.

From the sombre tweet announcing her passing to the various images posted in her honour, social media has chronicled the passing of the Queen and this landmark moment in British history.

After an afternoon and early evening of concern, the news was broken on Twitter at exactly 6.30pm in a tweet from the Royal Family’s account.

The subsequent events in recent days have all been chronicled on the account as the United Kingdom moved from Queen Elizabeth II to King Charles III

Announcements on the period of national mourning, books of condolence being opened and details of the Queen’s lying in state and of Monday’s funeral have all been broadcast online.


Some of the warmest tributes have also appeared in the form of artwork online with both the Queen’s late husband, Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh and her beloved corgis all featuring.

Keri Cunningham of Murphy’s Sketches posted this image of the late Queen being reunited on a picnic blanket with Philip and one of their corgis in an homage.

“Hello again Lilibet” – Lilibet being the name she was addressed by her husband.

Yorkshire artist Eleanor Tomlinson has also seen her drawing of the late Queen holding Paddington Bear’s hand go viral.

Eleanor from East Yorkshire, was inspired after watching June’s Jubilee celebrations featuring Paddington having tea with Her Majesty.

Having gone viral at the time, her image again flooded social media in the aftermath of the Queen’s death with many adding personal messages onto her artwork to reflect the sadness at the news.

Poignantly, Eleanor has now created another tribute which shows the Queen arm in arm with the Duke of Edinburgh, who died in April 2021.

The sketch, titled Our Beloved Queen, also features Her Majesty’s favourite animals – a corgi and a horse.

Referencing Prince Philip, the Queen’s husband of 74 years, on the sketch, the artist added: “Together once again.”

Millions across the world have posted their memories of the monarch but perhaps the last word should go to Paddington Bear, the star of THAT Jubilee video.

In a tweet from the official Twitter account, the bear who discovered he wasn’t alone in keeping a marmalade sandwich for emergencies simply said “Thank you Ma’am, for everything.”

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