'Inadequate' Coventry school complains to Ofsted over new rating - as kids attend in tracksuits - The Coventry Observer

'Inadequate' Coventry school complains to Ofsted over new rating - as kids attend in tracksuits

Coventry Editorial 19th Feb, 2020   0

A PRIMARY school in Coventry has received an ‘inadequate’ rating by schools inspectors, slipping from a rating of ‘good.’

Charter Primary in Canley was admonished by national watchdog Ofsted for failing to keep children safe during lunchtimes, allowing pupils to come to school in tracksuits, and poor reading outcomes.

In 2015 Charter Primary in Mitchell Avenue, Canley, was rated ‘good’ by Ofsted, but in its latest inspection carried out in November 2019, the inspectors graded it ‘inadequate’ on all counts.

Summing up its findings, Ofsted said: “Some pupils are unhappy in school, and they do not feel safe. At times, on the playground, some pupils do not listen to staff when they are given instructions.

“Sometimes, a few pupils are aggressive towards each other. Staff do not always deal with pupils’ poor behaviour. The way adults respond to bullying is inconsistent.

“Because of this, pupils are not confident that they will get help or that bullying will stop. Pupils do not take pride in themselves, their work or the school environment.

“Some pupils come to school in tracksuits and trainers, and staff let them.”

When the inspectors visited, they found all children from years 2 to 5 were reading ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’, and Year 6 pupils said ‘they don’t know what geography is.’

Following the ‘inadequate’ rating, the school will be inspected again in the next two years.

In a statement to parents, headteacher Louise Stewart said: “We are very disappointed with the results, as we feel strongly that this report does not reflect the school we work in every day. We hope, like us, that you don’t recognise the school that is being described.

“We have had so many personal comments from you, as parents and carers, complimenting us on the rapid improvement in children’s reading, the bagels they have for breakfast every day and how happy your children are at our school. We believe that huge forward strides are being taken and that we will continue to improve with the same determination.

“We have taken considerable measures in recent months to improve in several areas. For example, we have undertaken a huge amount of work on the playground, in the classrooms, at lunchtime and in the dining hall and the vast majority of our children are happy, well behaved, attentive to their teachers and learning well.

“The (Phoenix) Federation has complained to Ofsted not only around how the inspection was conducted but also how the outcomes were reached.”

According to Ofsted’s latest survey of 55 Charter Primary parents, published separately, 93 per cent would recommend the school and 94 per cent say their child feels safe at the school.

When asked if the school had high expectations for children, 91 per cent agreed or strongly agreed.

The Phoenix Federation is a group of council-maintained schools comprising Charter Primary and Wyken Croft.

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