FINAL RESULTS AND REACTION - Coventry City Council elections - The Coventry Observer

FINAL RESULTS AND REACTION - Coventry City Council elections

Coventry Editorial 5th May, 2023 Updated: 5th May, 2023   0

THE GREENS grabbed the headlines again in Coventry for a second successive election, taking a second Holbrook seat from Labour.

Apart from that, it was pretty much ‘as was’ with Labour and the Conservatives holding onto all the seats they had at the start of the day.

On the night, Labour held 13 seats and lost one, the Conservatives held all four of theirs and the Greens had the Holbrook gain

It means now that Coventry City Council is made up of 38 Labour, 14 Conservatives and two Greens.

Esther Reeves’ gain for the Greens by 79 votes came almost a year to the day after Stephen Grey became the party’s first candidate. It made big headlines as The Green Party was founded in Coventry – first known as the ‘People’s Party’ in November 1972. It later became the Ecology Party in 1975 and, in 1985, changed to the Green Party.

Coun Reeves said: “I am proud to become Holbrook’s and Coventry’s second Green councillor – it has only taken half-a-century.

“It means we can now form a group on the council and have a bigger influence.

“It is important for democracy that people know they have more than two options – than the main parties.”


Closest result

The closest result was the night saw Labour hold onto Sherbourne by just 21 votes with Conservative Stephen Smith running Gavin Lloyd very close.

Coun Lloyd paid tribute in his speech to the late councillor Seamus Walsh.

“He taught us what honest humanity was like.”

Likewise, after holding onto Willenhall for Labour, Coun Ram Lakha remembered the late Coun John Mutton in his speech.

Coun Lakha said: “This is my 11th time standing here to say thank you.

“The main difference is on the last ten occasions John Mutton was here with me – I do miss him.”

Arguably the most impressive display came in Earlsdon where Coun Becky Gittins, who won the seat by just 104 votes back in 2019, increased her majority over the Conservatives to 1,160.

In a rousing speech, Coun Gittins paid tribute to the community spirit showed by everyone in the ward.

“We always fight Earlsdon as a marginal seat – we know how hard it was to win and to keep after my shock result in 2019 by just 104 votes.

“I hope we have shown residents the difference Labour can make.

“We are so lucky to have so many people working so hard for the community in Earlsdon – residents, community groups, the speedwatch and other volunteers, Friends of Parks groups, schools, local businesses – we hope to do you proud in this next term.”


Final results and reaction

Radford – LAB HOLD

Maya Ali (Labour Party) – 1,686 – ELECTED

Dave Anderson (Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition) – 118

Marcus Fogden (Coventry Citizens Party) – 199

Julie Spriddle (Green Party) – 266

Muhammad Tariq (Conservative Party) – 535

Coun Ali described it as a ‘fantastic’ evening and thanked her campaign manager and her team for all their support.


Upper Stoke – LAB HOLD

Gary Cooper (Coventry Citizens Party) – 247

Amirjit Kaur (Labour Party) – 1,671 – ELECTED

Terri Rosser (Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition) –

Gurdeep Sohal (Conservative Party) – 492

Laura Vesty (Green Party) – 356

Coun Kaur praised her team for being there for her ‘when times were tough’ and council leader Coun George Duggins for his support.

She added: “I am honoured and privileged to take up this role and want to thank everyone who put their trust in me.

“This is a victory for the people of Upper Stoke as well as the Labour Party.”


Wyken – LAB HOLD

Russell Berry (Green Party) – 327

Samiul Islam (Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition) – 32

William John Single (Conservative Party) – 924

Iddrisu Sufyan (Reform UK) – 93

Robert Richard Thay (Labour Party) – 1,549 – ELECTED

Lorna Williams (Coventry Citizens Party) – 176

Coun Thay thanked everyone who voted for him and had special praise for his son Dylan who had been out leafleting for him for the first time.


Henley – LAB HOLD

Farad Misaghi (Conservative Party) – 659

Aidan O’toole (Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition) – 51

Patricia Seaman (Labour Party) – 2,017 – ELECTED

Cathy Wattebot (Green Party) – 279

Thomas Watts (Coventry Citizens Party) – 215


Foleshill – LAB HOLD

Abdul Khan (Labour Party) 2,409 – ELECTED

Mila Matharu (Trade Unionist and Socialists Coalition) – 213

Ken Taylor (Conservative Party) – 446


Lower Stoke – LAB HOLD

Andrew Soares (Libs Dems) – 201

Thomas Jewell (Green Party) – 335

John McNicholas (Labour and Co-operative Party) – 2,142 – ELECTED

John O’Sullivan (Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition) – 93

Pratibha Reddy (Conservative Party) – 890

Dani Stringfellow (Coventry Citizens Party) -190


Longford – LAB HOLD

Linda Bigham (Labour Party) – 1,991 – ELECTED

Alan Checklin (Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition) -56

Danny Foulstone (Green Party) – 228

William Sindhu (Conservative Party) – 521

Sian Williamson (Coventry Citizens Party) – 150

Coun Bigham said: “It’s a humbling thing when people put their trust in you.

“I will continue to think of the people of Longford and put them at the centre of everything I do.”

She praised the One Coventry Plan which she said was working well for the people of the city despite the restraints placed on the council by the Conservative Government.


St Michael’s – LAB HOLD

Chrissie Brown (Green Party) – 176

Benoit Davies (Liberal Democrats) – 135

Ioannis Kaliandis (Conservative Party) – 313

Dave Nellist (Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition) – 221

Jim O’Boyle (Labour Party) – 1,869 – ELECTED

Karen Wilson (Coventry Citizens Party) – 109

Coun O’Boyle said: “This has been my 25th year since being elected and I don’t feel that old.”

He thanked the returning officer, the polling staff and his team who did a wonderful job.

And he had a message for all candidates: “Winning your first election doesn’t always come at the first time you stand.

“Continue to fight for what you believe in – we should all fight for every vote – not just in Coventry but in the rest of the country as well. There is always room for improvement.”


Whoberley – LAB HOLD

Pervez Akhtar (Labour Party) – 1,871 – ELECTED

Del Chahal (Conservative Party) – 782

Anna Grainger (Liberal Democrats) – 219

Nate Lewis (Coventry Citizens Party) – 113

Zoe Parker (Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition) – 73

Anne Patterson (Green Party) – 378

Coun Akthar thanked the election staff and his team and singled out Coun Bally Singh for special praise, labelling him ‘the best councillor on Coventry City Council’.

“I am honoured and privileged to have won and will always give my best when I serve you.”

He hit out at the government and the ‘Tory fat cats’ who  had made scapegoats out of hard-working teachers and nurses while they feathered their pockets’.


Wainbody – CON HOLD

Becky Finlayson (Green Party) – 271

Adam Hancock (Coventry Citizens Party) – 56

Mohammed Miah (Labour Party) – 1,375

James Morshead (Liberal Democrats) – 213

Tim Sawdon (Conservative Party) – 1,874 – ELECTED

Coun Sawdon thanked everyone on ‘Team Tim’ for their help over the past few weeks and his wife for ‘putting up with a grumpy candidate’.

“I promise to behave better from now on.

“I pledge to serve everyone whether they voted for me or not.

“I will continue to hold to account the worst Labour authority I have known in my 39 years in Coventry.”


Woodlands – CON HOLD

Sarah Davis (Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition) – 83

Peter Male (Conservative Party) – 2,093 – ELECTED

Mark Perryman (Liberal Democrats) – 269

Neil Rider (Labour and Co-operative Party) – 1,325

Lesley Sim (Green Party) – 228

Coun Male said: “I would like to thank everyone in Woodlands who voted for me and put their trust in me.

“I look forward to working hard in the ward for the next three years and seeing Jim in the chamber for the next three years.”

Westwood  – LAB HOLD

Randhir Auluck (Labour Party) – 1,397 – ELECTED

Jim Donnelly (Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition) – 63

Marcus Lapsa (Conservative Party) – 1,689

Jessica Marshall (Green Party) – 243

Jamie Simpson (Liberal Democrats) – 196

Coun Auluck said: “Thank you to all those who voted for me and those who didn’t.

“This shows hard work does pay off.

“I’m a local resident, some of these candidates were not.

“Labour tried to throw everything at us but it did not work.

“We work hard all year round and not just at election time – I am always available and contactable.”


Earlsdon – LAB HOLD

Cameron Baxter (Coventry Citizens Party) – 148

John Campbell (Green Party) – 350

Becky Gittins (Labour and Co-operative Party) – 2,627 – ELECTED

Adam Harmsworth (Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition) – 66

Zaid Rehman (Conservative Party) – 1,467

Stephen Richmond (Lib Dems) – 367

Coun Gittins said: “We always fight Earlsdon as a marginal seat – we know how hard it was to win and to keep after my shock result in 2019 by just 104 votes.

“I hope we have shown residents the difference Labour can make.

“We are so lucky to have so many people working so hard for the community in Earlsdon – residents, community groups, the speedwatch and other volunteers, Friends of Parks groups, schools, local businesses – we hope to do you proud in this next term.”


Sherbourne – LAB HOLD

Teri Fodgen (Coventry Citizens Party) – 100

Gavin Lloyd (Labour Party) – 1,444 – ELECTED

Jane Nellist (Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition) – 115

David Priestley (Green Party) – 253

Stephen Smith (Conservative Party) – 1,423

Caroline Spence (Liberal Democrats) – `50

Coun Lloyd thanked all those who made the election run so smoothly, along with the council leader Coun George Duggins and deputy Abdul Khan.

“I want to thank all my colleagues from other areas who came to help us campaign.”

He also paid tribute to the late Seamus Walsh.

“He taught us what honesty and integrity was.”


Binley and Willenhall – LAB HOLD

Paul Cowley (Coventry Citizens Party) – 970

Marianne Angela-Fitzgerald (Alliance for Democracy and Freedom) – 110

Ram Lakha (Labour Party) – 1,380 – ELECTED

Michael Morgan (Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition) – 47

Akpevwe Odje (Conservatives) – 540

Coun Lakha said: “This is my 11th time standing here to say thank you.

“The main difference is on the last ten occasions John Mutton was here with me – I do miss him.

“I want to say thank you to Mal Mutton for all her support and for being there for me and for the voters who have trusted in me for the past 33 years.”


Holbrook – GREEN GAIN

Mike Ballinger (Conservative) – 396

Jim Hensman (Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition) – 60

Lynette Kelly (Labour and Co-operative) – 1,487

Esther Reeves (Green Party) 1,566 – ELECTED

Coun Reeves said: “I am proud to become Holbrook’s and Coventry’s second Green councillor – it has only taken half-a-century.

“It means we can now form a group on the council and have a bigger influence.

“It is important for democracy that people know they have more than two options – than the main parties.”


Bablake – CON HOLD

Beatrice Christopher (Labour and Co-operative) – 1,393

Russell Field (Lib Dems) – 186

Tarlochan Jandu (Conservative) – 1,770 – ELECTED

Tony Middleton (Coventry Citizens Party) – 180

James Webb (Green Party) – 283

Ted Woodley (Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition) – 20

Coun Jandu said: “I am extremely humbled and want to thank all residents.

“I will continue to work hard for the betterment of Bablake and continue fighting development in the green belt and backing our brownfield first policy.”

Cheylesmore – LAB HOLD

Richard Brown (Labour Party) – 1,571 – ELECTED

Judy Griffiths (Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition) – 53

Amarjit Khangura (Conservatives) – 1,487

Anna Richmond (Lib Dems) – 174

Ian Stringfellow (Coventry Citizens Party) -124

Bruce Raymond (Green Party) – 263

Coun Brown said: “I have been overwhelmed by the support from everyone – especially my colleagues who have come in from other areas to help me with the campaign.

“I  have been in Cheylesmore for nine years now and have always worked hard with integrity and I will continue to do that for everyone in the ward.






























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