FINAL RESULTS - First ever seat in Coventry for the Green Party as Labour stay on 13 and the Conservatives lose one - The Coventry Observer

FINAL RESULTS - First ever seat in Coventry for the Green Party as Labour stay on 13 and the Conservatives lose one

Coventry Editorial 6th May, 2022 Updated: 6th May, 2022   0

ALL the results are now in for this year’s Coventry City Council elections.

With regard to the majority of the 18 seats, the parties which had them before Thursday’s vote managed to hold onto them but there were two gains – one for Labour over the Conservatives and the Green Party winning its first ever seat in Coventry – surely the story of the night here.

Newly elected Green Party councillor Stephen Grey proudly pointed out the movement originated in the city. The origins of the Green Party of England and Wales began in the People Party which was, indeed, founded in Coventry in November 1972. It later became the Ecology Party in 1975 and, in 1985, changed to the Green Party.

Overall on the seat count, Labour has 13 – the same amount it had before the vote started. It lost one to the Greens but gained one from the Conservatives.

The Conservatives had five of these seats before the vote and are now down to four.

And, as mentioned the Green Party has one.

So the overall make-up of the council now looks like this – Labour – 39, Conservatives – 14, Green Party – 1. 


How the action unfolded – seat-by-seat – as the declarations came in.



It seems three of the last four declarations were the closest of the night with Labour taking this Westwood seat from the Conservatives. Abdul Jobbar (Lab) polled 1,533 – 102 votes more than second placed Conservative candidate Manjeet Rai. The Greens were third, the Lib Dems fourth and the Trade Unionist fifth.

In a short and straight to the point speech, Coun Jobbar said: “Tonight shows Labour is a one nation party and can win anywhere in Coventry. Thank you to Westwood I’m not going to let you down.”

Full result – LAB GAIN

Jim Donnelly (Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition) – 76

Abdul Jobbar (Labour) – 1,533 – ELECTED

Jessica Mary Marshall (Green Party) – 350

Manjeet Rai (Conservative and Unionist Party) – 1,431

Jamie Simpson (Lib Dem) – 235



Kindi Sandhu gave an emotional speech as she held onto her Earlsdon seat, receiving 2,806 votes, beating the Conservative Zaid Rehman (1,537) into second. The rest of the results saw the Lib Dems third, Green Party fourth, Coventry Citizens Party fifth and the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition sixth.

Coun Sandhu said: “We made history yet again in Earlsdon. It’s the first time Labour has won two consecutive  terms in this ward.

“I wouldn’t be standing here if it wasn’t for the people that came before who never gave up on Earlsdon.

“I stand on the shoulders on them.

“We believe in social justice and equality. The impact of austerity has severely damaged our constituents.

“I still remember the first time I saw a man write as my dad couldn’t read or write.

“That’s why I support the residents, whether it’s for the library, education or the high streets I will fight and fight again.”

Full result – LAB HOLD

Cameron Ewart Baxter (Coventry Citizens Party) – 181

John David Campbell Finlayson (Green Party) – 250

Adam Joachim Harmsworth (Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition) – 48

Zaid Rehman (Conservative and Unionist Party) – 1,537

Stephen John Richmond (Lib Dem) – 469

Kindy Sandhu (Labour and Co-operative Party) – 2,806 – ELECTED


Another close run seat in Foleshill where independent Zia Khan (1,746) finished just 60 votes behind Labour’s Tariq Khan (1,806). The controlling group managed to hold onto this seat with the Conservatives way off the pace on 373 votes. So close were the first two candidates, a recount was needed to ensure the result.

Coun Tariq Khan said: “I am absolutely delighted with the vote and that Foleshill has entrusted me once again to be their councillor to represent them at the city council. Rest assured that the hard work will continue.

“Let me ensure the people of Foleshill that all three councillors are working tirelessly to address the problems that we are facing.”

Full result – LAB HOLD

Tariq Khan (Labour) – 1,806 – ELECTED

Zia Ahmed Khan (Independent) – 1,746

Raja Reddy Meesala (Conservative and Unionist Party) – 373


This has been the closest run seat of the night so far with just 35 votes separating Labour’s Seamus Walsh (1,455) and Conservative Jackie Gardiner (1,420). The Greens finished third, the Lib Dems fourth, Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition fifth 159 and sixth the Coventry Citizens Party.

Coun Walsh said: “”I want to thank the constituents of Sherbourne for putting their faith in me again and I will do my upmost to serve them with the same dedication I have in the past.”

Full result – LAB HOLD

Marcus Luke Paris Fogden (Coventry Citizens Party) – 100

Jackie Gardiner (Conservative and Unionist Party) – 1,420

Jane Elizabeth Nellist (Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition) – 159

Nukey Proctor (Lib Dem) – 176

George Teggin (Green Party) – 336

Seamus Walsh (Labour) – 1,455 – ELECTED



There was a comfortable victory for Conservative Mattie Heaven who held onto this seat. He polled 2,105 with Labour’s Des Arthur receiving 1,315. The Lib Dems finished fourth, the Green Party fifth and Coventry Citizens Party sixth.

Coun Heaven said: “Thank you to the residents of Wainbody who have once again put their trust in me, it’s an honour.

“We have a lot of work to do, especially to make sure that Labour is held accountable and that will be my mission for the next four years.”

Full result – CON HOLD

Des Arthur (Labour) – 1,315

Becky Finlayson (Green Party) – 198

Adam Jack Hancock (Coventry Citizens Party) – 89

Mattie Heaven (Conservative and Unionist Party) – 2,105 – ELECTED

James Frederick Morshead (Lib Dem) – 214


Here is the story of the night so far – the Green Party has won its first ever seat in Coventry – and it was by a comfortable margin of almost 500 votes. Stephen Gray received 2,105 votes and made history in the process – he proudly reminded people the Green Party was started in Coventry but had not – until now – wn a seat there.

Coun Gray said: “Thank you to god. Thank you to the people of Holbrook who have supported me I’m still overwhelmed.

“In 1973 a group of people came here to Coventry to start a party that stood for the principle that humanity can only truly prosper if we look after the planet.

“Greens have been elected to every level of government since then but it’s only today that they’ve been elected in the city they were formed.

“Looking forward to working for people from all parties to make my ward and my city a better place.”

The Labour candidate Raj Dhaliwal finished second on 1,611, with the Conservatives third, Coventry Citizens Party fourth and Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition fifth.

Full result – GREEN GAIN

Raj Dhaliwal (Labour) – 1,611

Alan Benjamin Gavin (Coventry Citizens Party) -64

Stephen Robert George Gray (Green Party) – 2,105 – ELECTED

Jim Hensman (Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition) – 31

Zeeshan Qazi (Conservative and Unionist Party) – 290



Conservative Julia Lepoidevin held onto the third of her party’s seats with a comfortable majority of 683 votes. Labour’s Lynette Kelly was second with the Lib Dems third, Greens fourth, Coventry Citizens Party fifth and Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition sixth.

Coun Lepoidevin said: “I’m delighted to be standing here as councillor for Woodlands .

“It’s a privilege and honour to represent this ward. I want to thank the residents of Woodlands for putting their faith in me again. I look forward to the next four years representing you.”

Full result – CON HOLD

Sarah Stephanie Davis (Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition) – 60

Lynette Catherine Kelly (Labour and Co-operative Party) – 1,449

Julia Elizabeth Lepoidevin (Conservative and Unionist Party) – 2,142 – ELECTED

Mark James Perryman (Lib Dem) – 290

Lesley Clare Sim (Green Party) – 191

Thomas Craig Watts (Coventry Citizens Party) – 67

St Michael’s

Labour prevented the Conservatives getting three-in-a-row as long-time councillor David Welsh polling 1,898 and one of the highest majorities (if not the highest) of the night so far.

The Conservative caandidste was 1,631 votes behind in second making this one of the safest Labour seats on the council. Third were the Greens, fourth the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition in third, the Greens in fourth and the Coventry Citizens Party in fifth.

Coun Welsh said: “It’s a fantastic result and I’m humbled by people who have sent me messages of support.

“I’ve received more negative publicity than at any other election and I feel it’s unjustified.

“I don’t put myself forward as a superhero, I don’t have a costume I’m a human being. I want to do my best to help the people of St Michael’s and the people of Coventry.”

Full result – LAB HOLD

Dave Nellist (Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition) – 257

David Neil Priestley (Green Party) – 181

Mary Taylor (Conservative and Unionist Party) – 270

David Stuart Welsh (Labour) – 1,898 – ELECTED

Karen Wilson (Coventry Citizens Party) – 114


It was the second Conservative win and hold in a row and another highest turnout of the night – 34 per cent headed out to vote in Bablake. Jaswant Birdi – winning his third election in a row – polled a massive 2,074. Labour’s George Walker was second with 1,391. The Greens finished third again, Lib Dems fourth, narrowly beating the Coventry Citizens Party into fifth.

Coun Birdi said: “I’m really pleased to be elected to serve a third term.

“We have built a foundation in Bablake and as a result we once again have three Conservative councillors.

“During the election, residents raised complaints of anti-social behaviour fly-tipping and many other important issues.

“I will be raising this issues with the City Council for resolution and action.”

Full result – CON HOLD

Jaswant Singh Birdi (Conservative and Unionist Party) – 2,074 – ELECTED

Tony Middleton (Coventry Citizens Party) – 195

Caroline Spence (Lib Dem) – 200

George Robert Walker (Labour) – 1,391

Niall Webb (Green Party) – 290


Conservative Roger Bailey managed to prevent a complete Labour clean sweep as we got to the half-way point in the count. He held onto the seat for the Conservatives, polling 1,848. Second, almost 300 votes behind was Ami Kaur (Labour). The Greens grabbed another third place with the Lib Dems in fourth, the Coventry Citizens Party in fifth and the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition in sixth. Highest turnout so far – 33.44 per cent.

Coun Bailey said: “It’s been a long night so I’ll make this a short speech.”

In it he thanked the counters, the returning officer, everyone who voted for him and everyone who supported him.

Full result – CON HOLD

Roger Maurice James Bailey (Conservative and Unionist Party) – 1,848 – ELECTED

Anna Caroline Grainger (Liberal Democrat) – 193

Judy Griffiths (Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition) – 61

Sian Katie Jones (Coventry Citizens Party) – 82

Ami Kaur (Labour) – 1,562

John Verdult (Green Party) – 222


‘It has been a nasty campaign and got quite personal at times’ – those were the words from Patricia Hetherton as she held onto her seat in Radford. Polling an impressive 1,807 she beat the Conservative candidate Laura Ridley into second – she received 600. In third place were the Greens, fourth the Coventry Citizens Party and fifth the Trade Unionist and Coalition. This has been the lowest turn-out so far – just 19.8 per cent of the electorate headed to the polls.

Coun Hetherton said: “This has been a personal and nasty campaign.”

Quoting from the Steelers Wheel hit, she added: “At times there have been clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right and it’s not been funny at all.

“Thank for to everyone who’s supported me through this difficult time.

“Onwards and upwards and let’s get on with the job.”


Full result – LAB HOLD

Dave Anderson (Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition) – 114

Irena Bosworth (Coventry Citizens Party) – 175

Patricia Maria Hetherton (Labour Party) – 1,807 – ELECTED

Laura Frances Ridley (Conservative and Unionist Party) – 600

Julie Ann Spriddle (Green Party) – 261


Binley and Willenhall

Labour’s John Mutton thanked the people of Binley and Willenhall for helping him win his 11th consecutive election. He notched up 1,355 votes – a total of 406 more than the second placed Conservative Amarjit Singh Khangura. The result was the best one of the night for the Coventry Citizens Party which took third, the Greens were fourth and the Alliance for Democracy and Freedom were fifth.

Coun Mutton said: “I want to thank my comrades in the Labour Party. With me hospitalised it was somewhat difficult for us. I don’t want to sound arrogant but I have won 11 consecutive elections thanks to you. ”

“He spoke of the ‘wine and cheese parties’ while ‘people could not say goodbye to their loved ones during the pandemic’.

“The people of this ward have shown they won’t stand for what the Conservatives have been doing.”

“I promise I will continue to work as hard for the people of Binley and Willenhall now as I did 38 years ago when I first became a councillor.”

Full result – LAB HOLD

Chrissie Brown (Green Party) – 232

Paul Nichalos Cowley (Coventry Citizens Party) – 635

Marianne Angela Fitzgerald (Alliance for Democracy and Freedom) – 113

Amarjit Singh Khangura (Conservative and Unionist Party) – 949

John Roderick Mutton (Labour) – 1,355 – ELECTED

Lower Stoke

Full result – LAB HOLD

Michael Arthur Ballinger (Conservative and Unionist Party) – 810

John Patrick O’Sullivan (Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition) – 130

Esther Mary Reeves (Green Party) – 400

Rupinder Singh (Labour and Co-operative Party) – 2,274 – ELECTED

Danielle Stringfellow (Coventry Citizens Party) – 211


Whoberley boasts the biggest turn-out of the night so far at 33 per cent – the previous ones have been around 22 and 23 per cent. Bally Singh held the seat for Labour after polling 2,390. Next was the Coservatives’ Stephen Smith on 911. Third was the Green Party with 303, fourth the Lib Dems 172 and fifth the Coventry Citizens’ Party which polled 108. Seeing a bit of a pattern developing here with the order the parties are finishing in.

Bally Singh said: “It was a campaign that was made in a good manner – the candidates put out the information to residents to give them the choice and they chose Labour.

“Let’s hope that happens at the next general election too.”

Full result – LAB HOLD

Russell David Field (Lib Dem) – 172

Nate Lewis (Coventry Citizens Party) – 108

Anne Patterson (Green Party) – 303

Bally Singh (Labour and Co-operative Party) – 2,390 – ELECTED

Stephen James Smith (Conservative and Unionist Party) – 911


It’s four in a row for Labour – all holds – as Lindsley Harvvard notched up the biggest majority of the night so far. Polling 1,982, he beat Conservative Diane Sylvia Crookes by 1,337 votes. The Greens finished third, Lib Dems fourth and the Coventry Citizens Party fifth.

Coun Harvard hit out at the ‘self-centred’ Conservative government in his speech, adding ‘a general election could not come soon enough’.

“We won’t forget the rent rises or that their children won’t buy homes.

“They won’t forget the rising crime rates.

“Only a general election can help the nightmare we’re in and the sooner that comes the better.”

Full result – LAB HOLD

Karl Aldred (Green Party) – 295

Jaspal Singh Bahara (Lib Dem) – 181

Diane Sylvia Crookes (Conservative and Unionist Party) – 645

Lindsley Harvard (Labour Party) – 1,982 – ELECTED

Nicola Jayne Spalding (Coventry Citizens Party) – 151

Upper Stoke

A third Labour hold in a row saw Gurdev Singh Hayre maintain the Upper Stoke seat for the controlling party. In second place Conservative Gurdeep Singh Sohal.

Coun Singh Hayre said: “This was not a victory for me – it was a victory for the people and the Labour Party.

“I’d like to thank the people who voted for me and the people who did not vote for me.

“There is a lot of work to be done and a lot of issues in our area to address.”

He also thanked council leader George Duggins.

Full result – LAB HOLD

Gary Ronald Cooper (Coventry Citizens Party) – 226

Gurdev Singh Hayre (Labour) – 1,696 – ELECTED

Terri Hersey (Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition) – 87

Gurdeep Singh Sohal (Conservative and Unionist Party) – 582

Laura Katherine Vesty (Green Party) – 357


In Henley, Labour’s Kevin Maton held onto his seat after polling 1,865. Second in the poll was Kenneth Taylor with 960. The turnout was 23.2 per cent.

Coun Maton said – even though the first time he went through the election process was 35 years ago – it ‘never got any easier’.

He thanked the organisers and everyone who voted for him.

Full result – LAB HOLD

Kevin Barry Maton (Labour) – 1,865 – ELECTED

Aidan Spencer O’Toole (Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition) – 63

Kenneth John Taylor (Conservative and Unionist Party) – 960

Cathy Wattebot (Green Party) – 296

Charlie Wilson (Coventry Citizens Party) – 219


Faye Abbott (Labour) has held onto her seat, polling 1,635 votes – beating the second placed Conservative and Unionist candidate Myooran Sri by 478 votes. The Greens finished third and the Coventry Citizens Party fourth.

In her speech, Coun Abbott thanked everyone who organised the election and everyone who voted for her.

“I want to thank the people of Wyken for putting their faith in me and I am looking forward to serving them for another four years.”

Full Result – LAB HOLD

Faye Abbott (Labour) – 1,635 – ELECTED

Russell Berry (Green Party) – 363

Myooran Sri (Conservative and Unionist Party) – 1,157

Lorna Kareen Williams (Coventry Citizens Party) – 220

Earlier this morning

COUNTING is now under way at the CBS Arena for this year’s Coventry City Council elections.

The last of the ballot boxes from 140 polling stations across the city were safely in the venue just before midnight after the polls closed at 10pm.

People have been voting in 18 different wards – 13 of those were held by Labour with the Conservatives occupying the other five.

Verification and counting has now started and we await the first results.

So where has voting been taking place?

Among the areas where polls will be held are Bablake, Binley and Willenhall, Cheylesmore, Earlsdon, Foleshill, Henley, Holbrook, Longford, Lower Stoke, Radford, Sherbourne, St Michael’s, Upper Stoke, Wainbody, Westwood, Whoberley, Woodlands and Wyken.

2021 result

In the last poll – held in May last year – the Labour Party won 13 of the 19 seats contested, with the Conservatives taking six.


The overall make-up of the council (prior to the 2022 vote)

Coventry City Council has 54 seats overall (a third of those will be decided in this poll).

Going into the 2022 election, 39 of Coventry City Council’s seats are held by Labour with the Conservatives holding the remaining 15.


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