Plenty of debate in this week's Coventry Observer letters page..... - The Coventry Observer

Plenty of debate in this week's Coventry Observer letters page.....

Coventry Editorial 10th Jun, 2021   0

‘Wonderful tribute to the inspiring and kind Penny Walker’

I READ the article in your newspaper about Penny Walker, the peace campaigner and founder of the Coventry Peace House, who died on May 21. It was a wonderful tribute.

I admired Penny immensely for her peace work and the help she gave to refugees.

But the reason that I remember her has nothing to do with her peace work, but was simply a sign of her kindness and care for others.

We had a friend in common, a lady called Donna Smith. Donna and Penny had met through their involvement in campaigning against the arms trade.

Donna was brave and adventurous but, towards the end of her life she had to go into a home.

As someone who was disabled, and a wheelchair user, in her latter years Donna could not go out on her own.

But, despite not having a car, Penny would come from Leicester, and accompany Donna on trips into Coventry, trips which meant so much to Donna.

I now know, from your tribute to Penny, that such kindness was of a piece with the rest of Penny’s life.

Rosemary S Hall


UK City of Culture needs a spring clean

I VISITED the Coventry Motor Museum, a venue I love to visit.

It is a very long time since I have ventured into the city and decided to explore the changes made for the City of Culture.

My walk into Broadgate was depressing, doorways littered with rubbish, debris that was not recent and the whole of Broadgate one huge building site extending to Marks and Spencers, dirty, dusty and very noisy.

Coventry has had extra time to launch the City of Culture events and complete the work necessary to showcase our city.

I was born in Coventry and feel ashamed knowing that people visiting the City as part of our Culture celebrations will return home disappointed never wishing to return.

A Evans


Not venturing to the City of Culture over car parking charges

I HAVE read your editorial, it states that the War Memorial Park is not a dedicated Park and Ride, so why advertise it as such?

Yes, we pay for the bus, the reasoning behind this ‘I thought’ was for the safe parking of vehicles and the preventative measure to free up the city centre roads, how wrong am I?

Most big cities I have visited do not charge for Park and Ride, pay for the bus ride yes of course.

Once again, let this city council see just how much money they can glean from us, already being one of the highest council tax cities.

They have also managed to earn millions with car parking fines.

Well this is one person that will not be attending the City of Culture, having been there after nearly a year-and-a-half to find what looked similar to the pictures we see of 1940s Coventry!

Penny Lauridsen


Confusion over cashless parking payments at War Memorial Park

I AM rather confused about cashless payment for parking soon to be introduced at War Memorial Park.

I do not have a mobile phone capable of paying these charges and I can’t be the only pensioner who finds the technology confusing.

Frances Petrak

EDITOR’S NOTE – We contacted Coventry City Council regarding the machines being introduced at WMP. It confirmed people will be able to pay using a contactless cash card, as well as via mobile phone, but cash will not be accepted. We would be interested to hear other readers’ views on this. Send them to at [email protected]


Proud of being from Coventrian stock after Moves event

REDARDING Coventry Moves on Saturday – Wonderful. Coventry is an amazing city it has survived so much.

It’s an inspirational city with more history than most. I’m proud to be from Coventrian stock.

Norma Escrig

(via Facebook)


Catherdal Ruins event – great to see trees come to Coventry

ON THE ‘Rising Up From Adversity’ where 100 trees have been installed at the Cathedral Ruins – It’s wonderful to see trees in Coventry, just pop into the cathedral to see exhibition Concrete Collar in the Industry Chapel to see how trees could enhance harsh lines and help air purity.

Ann Ramberg

(via Facebook)


Think of  horses, donkeys and camels on Working Animal Day

IN THE UK, we’re fortunate to have running water at our fingertips and food that can be delivered to our doorsteps.

But many of the world’s poorest communities rely entirely on working animals to transport water and provide food, through ploughing and carrying produce to market.

Around the world, more than 200million working horses, donkeys, camels and elephants do the jobs of trucks, tractors and taxis in developing countries. These animals are a lifeline for poverty-stricken families and ensure that basic necessities such as food and water are available.

But all too often, working animals lack the food, water and vital veterinary care they desperately need themselves.

At the animal charity SPANA (the Society for the Protection of Animals Abroad), we are carrying out emergency feeding programmes for malnourished animals, building water troughs for animals working in extreme temperatures and providing free veterinary treatment to sick and injured working animals in 28 countries.

On International Working Animal Day (Tuesday, June 15), please find out how you can show your support for these hardworking animals by visiting

Dr Ben Sturgeon  

Director of Veterinary Services, SPANA (the Society for the Protection of Animals Abroad) 



BEFORE the UK City of Culture got under way, a lot of people would have been wondering what it entailed – Saturday’s Coventry Moves epitomised this celebration and more.

The first big event in the city’s year was colourful, flamboyant, breath-taking and poignant in parts.

It definitely fulfilled its aim in showing the world what Coventry, its people and its proud heritage were all about.

Well done to director Justine Themen, the performers and everyone else involved in the day.


We welcome your letters……

What pressing issues do you feel need addressing in Coventry? Send us your views to [email protected]


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